New Life #711 – What Women Want
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
A man and woman are like plus and minus; they must eventually reach a balance, the correct connection between them; the man must give and the woman receives.She must want the right thing and he must fulfill this desire correctly. We cannot fulfill ourselves, only others, so the right connection between right and left is through finding the middle line between them.
In our day everyone is “out of order”; women want the incorrect fulfillment of false substitutes for their desires. The natural desire of a woman is first of all a family, but in the last century we have lost our direction regarding this matter. We have built an artificial world for ourselves in which life is difficult, the family unit is collapsing, and children are neglected.
The solution depends on an education for attaining the spiritual goal within relationships and family, as a gift that will uphold, “When husband and wife are worthy, the Shechina abides with them” (Sotah 17a). Fundamentally, a woman wants connection with the upper force through her husband. Throughout our history we developed through our desires until we felt an inclination for discovery of the inner essence, the supreme power, unconditional love.
The goal of alliance between partners is the discovery of the one supreme power that controls nature, our source, to which we must return to in unison. A woman wants that same power of love to dwell in her family because this is a safe, complete and eternal state. Through love between us we reach the revelation of the higher power of unconditional love.
From KabTV’s “New Life #711 – What Women Want,” 4/7/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #711 – What Women Want,” 4/7/16
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