New Life #498 – How Should We Fight The Islamic Terror?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
A wave of Islamic terror is washing Europe, shocking the world and hurting practically everyone: Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Europe is unsettled; there is a feeling that the ground is shaking and there is a terrible sense of instability and insecurity. Why is this happening and will it advance the world to a new place?
The current terror wave in Europe leaves no room for doubt, the world is advancing toward a new state of living under a growing existential threat. But if we try to understand its essence, we will discover that terrorism has a very simple goal, to rule. Once it is accepted, things quiet down and become tranquil and secure, and if it isn’t accepted, life becomes unbearable.
The Time of Islam
If we look at history, each of the three major religions had its era of flowering, prosperity, and success and then a gradual decline: initially with Judaism, then Christianity, and today Islam. Just as Christianity wanted to conquer the world in the past, so does Islam want to do today.
Until the State of Israel was founded, the Muslim part of the world was asleep for centuries. And just as the Jewish people began to resettle the land of Israel, around it, the Islamic center was developing and the Islamic awakening spread like wildfire sweeping the Muslim countries all over the world. The reason for this is that by existing and building our state, our nation, and due to the fact that we are supposed get closer to the correction of the world according to our method, the wisdom of Kabbalah, we spur a great resistance, both religious and non-religious, that is aimed primarily against Israel.
After the first uprising against Israel and the Jews, the Islamic aggression turned against the western world as we see today. According to the plan of correction, as a result of this war, both the Muslims and the Christians will feel that the reason for the conflict and for all their troubles and problems are the Jewish people, and then they will unite and begin to act together against us so that eventually their accusing finger will be pointed at us; we will always be guilty.
The Jews Are Both the Problem and the Solution
We do not have to engage with the Islamic problem; we only need to manage ourselves since the problems begin and end with us, or to be precise, with the connection between us. At the moment there is nothing we can do about it, but as soon as we begin to connect, the uniting force, the good, will spread all over the world and will give humanity a clear feeling of what is good, what is bad, and what kind of society we have to build. They will begin to see and realize that it is actually the connection between all of mankind that leads to global happiness and prosperity.
The whole world suffers because the Jews don’t set an example for the world as to how we should behave, how we should connect, and how we can reach a state of balance with the world. But if the Jewish people feel obliged to connect, to be as one man in one heart, the Light will flow through us to the whole world. In a couple of years all of humanity will understand that and will unite forces and turn to Israel, either in a nice and pleasant way or in a very bad way.
From KabTV’s “New Life #498 – How Should We Fight The Islamic Terror?“ 1/13/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #498 – How Should We Fight The Islamic Terror?“ 1/13/15
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