Answer: I have no doubt about it, since it stems from the effect the environment has on man. These physiological and spiritual genes spread in the air and affect people.
The intellectual level of the population eventually affects the individual and his level of intelligence.
These are the laws of nature: the mass is powerful and so is the individual. If the mass agrees the individual can raise it and lead it, but if he cannot do so, the mass pressures him and obliges him to act.
Therefore the wave of uneducated masses that is flooding Europe will undoubtedly lower the intellectual level of the continent and it will no longer be Europe but will resemble the Islamic states in the Middle East.
Comment: Professor Neiburg believes that there are three possible solutions: first, submission and obedience; second, sending the refugees back to their countries, and third, a civil war. He believes that there are greater chances that there will be a civil war.
Answer: I believe that there will be such confrontations that will turn into civil war. Someone will have to surrender and to obey someone. I don’t think that the Europeans will be able to simply give in. They will have to find a common language and together will declare war on Israel.
I cannot say whether it will happen in our days, but I believe it will happen quite soon.
The only way out is if Israel gives the world the power of unity, from which no one can escape so that everyone will surrender to it and will start communicating with each other and with us.
Then we will begin to build the future society based on mutual unity of mankind. If the nation of Israel regains its composure and fulfills its goal, the whole world will follow it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/13/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/13/16
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