New Life #705 – Spiritual Sexuality
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Question: Why does sex play such a central role in our life?
Answer: It is because life is created by the connection between opposites, and the desire for sex is actually a desire for life. Our sexual desires grow during our evolution as human beings. In nature we also see that the male wants to have offspring and the female wants to belong only to him. It is rooted in us. Our attitude to sex is actually the basis for everything in our life even when we are not aware of it. Freud also spoke about it.
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that it stems from the upper root in which we are intended to be in coupling, in a perfect connection, in a perfect mutual connection between people, in a connection in which every individual acts both as a male and female, as the one who gives and the one who receives.
At the peak of our evolution we will reach a state in which we are connected as one, since we all stem from one soul. The greatest insight we need to acquire is that no one can fill himself and that each individual has both a male and female part in order to connect, which means the readiness to give and to receive.
The wisdom of Kabbalah deals with spiritual sexuality and tells us that it is the basis ofnature. Our whole perception of life stems from the spiritual root and includes accounts of giving and receiving, and when I connect correctly to more and more people, a corrected system of interconnection is built between us. As created beings, we all exist as a female facing the male who wants to fill us, the Creator, the upper force, the good and the benevolent. This is the ultimate joy and all our desires and passions stem from it.
Question: Why is the human sexual desire not limited to certain times in the year like in the animal world?
Answer: The more developed a species is the more unlimited it is. This is also from where the human sexual distortions stem. The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us how to reach a spiritual coupling, the ultimate connection between us regardless of sex.
The more an individual fills another in a perfect mutual manner, the more we ascend to a spiritual level of existence.
Women want to look beautiful and to attract men by nature, while men pay less attention to their looks. The sexual desire that is rooted in us since the thought of creation is to “to do good unto His created beings.” We are yet to discover the spiritual coupling!
From KabTV’s “New Life #704 – Spiritual Sexuality,” 3/17/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #704 – Spiritual Sexuality,” 3/17/16
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