New Life #545 – The Holocaust As A Turning Point for the Nation of Israel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is the reason for the desire to annihilate the Jewish nation? How can we prevent another Holocaust and how can our connection as a nation change all of reality?
There have been pogroms throughout our history, but the holocaust is notable for the desire to totally destroy the whole nation.
My family are Holocaust survivors and most of my family perished in the Holocaust.
If we want to prevent further disasters, we have to carefully study the laws that operate here.
The wisdom of Kabbalah has discovered that the world is supposed to advance toward perfect connection between people. The nation of Israel descend from Abraham who discovered the method of how to connect different people.
We connected in the days of Abraham and reached a peak of connection during the time of the Temple, and then fell into unfounded hatred.
The exile could have ended in the 16th century when the Ari revealed the wisdom of Kabbalah, but it didn’t happen.
At the beginning of the 20th century Rav Kook and Baal HaSulam called people to come to the land of Israel and build a model society. Baal HaSulam wanted to organize the Aliyah from Poland, but he was excommunicated. Finally he came to Israel on his own and everyone else was killed in the Holocaust. Baal HaSulam wanted everyone to come to Israel in order to build a society based on the principle of love thy friend as thyself and thus be spared from the afflictions.
Today we are at a very critical point in history once again. The world is desperate for the connecting force that the Jews have.
From KabTV’s “New Life #545 – The Holocaust As A Turning Point for the Nation of Israel,” 4/5/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #545 – The Holocaust As A Turning Point for the Nation of Israel,” 4/5/15
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