This is the most popular thing today, and everyone loves to look at them. It is a kind of virus of our time.
Answer: Why can’t they explain it? If you post this on the Internet, this says that eternity dwells in this. The Internet is our encounter with eternity because, theoretically, what is uploaded there will exist forever in the system of mutual human relationships. That is the way you get yourself there.
Question: Why has a self-portrait become a form of communication?
Answer: This is because a person who photographs himself, expresses himself. People look at him, understand who he is, what he is expressing by the expression on his face, what he wants to say, and the background on which he wants to fix himself. This is the transfer of very concrete and good information.
Question: Psychologists have a theory of social comparison. The theoretical thinker Leon Festinger said that humans have an inborn characteristic of constantly evaluating themselves in comparison to others.
Answer: Certainly, this is because otherwise our ego cannot evaluate itself. How can it measure itself if not in relation to others: I am worse, better, where, how. The main thing is to show people where I am, with whom, and on what background. Look, be envious and be impressed.
Question: Why does a person constantly need to photograph only himself? Photograph your loved ones, relatives, and friends.
Answer: There are no longer my favorites. Only “Me.” Even if I love someone, it is only because he gives me pleasure. This is like my love for a good steak. So, the selfie explains our self-love very precisely, the desire to be found at the center of attention. “Look at the ‘center of the world.’ Leave everything else on the side. Do you see me? It’s me.”
Question: Will this lead us to a dead end?
Answer: Yes, today we are evolving very rapidly to a recognition of the ego as something bad.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/4/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/4/16
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