Atheists are also dominated by psychopathic traits associated with lack of emotional response to pain of other people’s suffering, etc.
Answer: There are many different nuances that express the differences between believers and non-believers in our world. But all of them operate egoistically.
They simply have different models of behavior. These perceive the world according to their value system and those according to their value system. In both cases, this system is egoistic, so in relation to the wisdom of Kabbalah, they are, in fact, equivalent. The only thing is that the believer is more difficult to convince that he is living according to egoistic laws because he believes that he is living correctly.
Faith in the wisdom of Kabbalah is a completely different property than the “faith” of religious people. With them, faith is the acceptance of the existence of a higher power, and if I follow the rules that seem to be detailed in the Torah, I will earn the world to come. In contrast, a person who is a non-believer (secular) believes only in the payoff that he will get directly in this world. This is the entire difference.
In The Book of Zohar, there is a description of three types of awe (fear). The first type of awe is typical of an ordinary secular person (non-believer) who is concerned about everything being okay for him in this world. The second type of awe is that of a religious person (believer) who is concerned about his life in this world and in the next world after death.
The third type of fear is typical of the Kabbalist who only yearns to be like the Creator, meaning that he will have a characteristic of bestowal and love for others without receiving anything in exchange since being like the Creator is his reward.
Everyone thinks that the wisdom of Kabbalah is a part of religion, but it has nothing to do with religion. The wisdom of Kabbalah brings a person to fulfill the law of the Torah, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), which all the others not only don’t touch upon, but don’t even talk about.
Although they give lip service to “Love thy neighbor,” nobody thinks that this is the main general rule toward which all implementation, resolution, and realization of the Torah is directed.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/4/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/4/16
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