Answer: The point is that, when a man sees a beautiful woman, he loses his mind. This is our nature, and there is nothing to be ashamed of or to be hypocritical and self-righteous about.
Question: Those who took part in the experiment were asked to perform simple exercises. The women did them quite easily, while the men sat with their mouths open and looked at the women.
Answer: When a man is flooded by hormones, there is nothing he can do. A woman looks at a man’s brains, while a man looks at woman’s beauty, at her body, and that attracts and tempts him. His only expectation is that she will suit his taste.
A woman, on the other hand, doesn’t look at a man’s externality. She assesses him either according to his money or according to his brains. A woman naturally can get used to any man, while a man doesn’t and must leap from one branch to the next all of the time since he is a hunter according to his basic nature.
A woman is a housewife from birth. She needs a home, a foundation. She should have children, a home to care for, and family.
This means that men and women have totally different internal foundations and perceive totally different messages, so it is absolutely impossible to compare them.
Our forefathers knew this ages ago, but we have reached a “unisex” perception lately, a unified sexual perception according to which we don’t differentiate between a man and a woman anymore. Now, we are returning to the initial stage by rediscovering who we are.
Question: What is “falling in love?”
Answer: It is a combination of totally external influences on a person, on hormones that suddenly awaken and control a person. It can be spurred by electrical signals, thoughts, waves, and in any way possible.
Question: What is love from a Kabbalistic perspective?
Answer: Love from a Kabbalistic perspective is the mutual complementation of one another that is built consciously by a man and a woman above all of the problems they may have and their correct solution.
This must be taught and aspired for. I hope that at least the next generation will be ready for that. People will begin to understand how to build relations between them called love that will not be affected by anything. They will begin to format themselves internally for the right mutual connection.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/18/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/18/16
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