Answer: No, only people of the same sex can be friends because the strongest attraction is sexual attraction, which means that it is above friendship.
Question: So, what is meant by the expression, “When husband and wife are worthy, the Shechina is between them?”
Answer: If a husband and a wife connect spiritually, they can reveal the Creator in this connection.
Question: What is an ideal family for you?
Answer: An ideal family is when a husband and wife develop together in spirituality and in their corporeal life, trying to establish a mutual connection between them so that one unique whole will indeed appear between them in which they discover the Creator.
Theoretically, this is possible, but I have not encountered such examples in corporeal life, which is natural for the state our world is in for the time being, the state of shattering. We may reach this state in practice, and in fact, we must reach that since in the future this will be the foundation of the family.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/6/15
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/6/15
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