The latest terrorist attacks have provoked a storm of reactions. There is an opinion among the public that firearms should be distributed to all Israeli citizens who are able to carry them. What is your opinion?
Answer: I think that it is necessary to teach the residents how to use a weapon. Most of the citizens in Israel who served in the army know how to handle them. They need to go through a short training and could carry a weapon for the protection of everyone.
Comment: Despite international public opinion, there are those who propose killing terrorists on the spot instead of trying to catch them and hand them over to the police .
Answer: This is correct. There is a law written in the Torah that if someone falls upon you and wants to kill you, you must act ahead of the attacker and kill him first without bringing him to a court. That is the law of the Torah, so why do we need to comply with the laws of the British Mandate or Turkey? Don’t we have the right to defend ourselves from murderers?
Question: What is your opinion about the proposal to destroy the homes of terrorists and the expulsion of their families?
Answer: This is a retaliatory act with great influence since a home is very dear to a person, and if he knows that his family is liable to be left without a roof over their head, he will think twice about whether it is worthwhile for him to become a terrorist and join Daesh. After all, these acts of terrorism are organized by Daesh.
Question: It seems that the Arabs are not afraid of anything anymore if children of the age of 13-15 are taking knives and going out to murder. How is it possible to combat this?
Answer: I would suggest cutting all the propaganda of Daesh in the territory of Israel by every means possible, blocking it from coming through the smartphones, the Internet, television stations, cable, and satellites. Daesh is organizing powerful propaganda so we must take strict measures against them.
The ideology of Daesh penetrates the Arab territories through the media and directs the children to murder Jews. So we must cleanse the nation of all terrorist propaganda; in this way we will deprive them of the opportunity of seeing, hearing, and in general, being in any kind of link with Daesh.
Question: What is to be done about the fact that the people have already become accustomed to repeated acts of terrorism and have become insensitive to it?
Answer: We are not talking about the psychology of the common citizen, but about measures taken by the government, the actions that the police and the army must perform to prevent acts of terrorism.
Although we have become used to hearing about fatalities from traffic accidents, about those who have been wounded or killed by terrorists, this doesn’t mean that we must accept the situation; rather, we must examine the means that the government is taking. If terrorism has become a regular phenomenon, it means that the government is not combating it effectively and is not performing its obligations towards the citizens of the nation.
What are the Communications Minister, the Defense Minister, and the Interior Minister doing? They must act; after all, we are found in a state of war. This is an internal war that is being waged on the territory of Israel. We are not talking about what is happening beyond our borders.
It is frightening to think about what would happen if an external war were to be added to the internal war. Do you know how many weapons the Arabs who are living in Israel possess? So we cannot wait and must act—he who hesitates is lost.
Question: Besides the necessary actions to block the terrorist propaganda through the media and providing security for the residents, what meaningful solution would you suggest for eliminating terrorism?
Answer: The people of Israel must stop this evil in its higher spiritual root. After all, it is said: “No calamity comes into the world except for the sake of Israel” (Talmud Bavli, “Yevamot” 63a), and Israel is not carrying out its mission; this is apparently the reason for the tragedies that are happening in our world.
We must do what is incumbent upon us and carry out a correction at the root of the forces of good and evil that operate in the world, stopping and reining in the spread of the force of evil in our world and counterbalancing it through the good force. In the meantime, the evil force is only continuing to become more powerful and is suppressing the good force until it is almost not visible.
Question: If we can influence the evil force at its root, then why do we have all the rest of the actions for combating terrorism?
Answer: We must do everything that is in our power, both on the physical level and on the spiritual level. We will not be able to instantly awaken all the people of Israel and unite them completely so that we can attract the good force into this world to the degree that it will be ready to neutralize the power of evil. This requires time, and in the meantime we need the police and the army, public education in handling firearms, distributing weapons, and blocking the propaganda of Daesh. Thus we also counteract the forces of evil.
Simultaneously, it is up to us to begin the work of unifying the people. If the government were to help us organize this so that we would have the opportunity to explain how it is possible to have an effect on the evil forces in nature by cutting them off at their root to the entire population, we could succeed without any further actions.
But in the meantime we are forced to act on our own. For example, we invited the Foreign Minister of Sweden to our international Kabbalah convention, which will be held on February 23-25 at the Exhibition Grounds in Tel Aviv. We are investing all of our efforts in awakening the people to correction, and we hope to succeed with this.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/26/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/26/16
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