New Life #671 – Where To?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Where is nature pushing us to through the climate problems and terrorism that is spreading throughout the world? How do we behave as a society as if we are united under a common goal and how can you use the ego for the good of connection and not against others?
Celebration of the beginning of the civil New Year has begun to take on a ritual nature: fir trees, fireworks, and so forth. Marking the beginning of the year is considered in the eyes of people as an event of great importance, even though this really is not talking about any scenario of a new beginning on the face of the Earth.
Rather, there is a continuing process in which humanity is advancing toward new situations. Changes in climate are placing our planet in a very dangerous situation. The causes of climate change are more internal that we think. We don’t understand the reasons for what is happening: increasing terrorism and the various factors that cultivate and encourage worrisome phenomena like the Daesh organization; advances in technology the ejects unemployed and unclear what their fate will be. There is a feeling that the Earth doesn’t require that many people to continue to exist, which may lead to a world war.
After having experienced socialism and capitalism, humanity is beginning to understand that integration between these approaches is required. Competition is required in the labor market, in trade, and in industry while equality is required in the system of relationships between us in the family and in society in general. We can attain this only with the help of a unique general social education, and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches how to do it.
My hope for the New Year is that humanity will understand that we are compelled to correct our human nature. Materially, we don’t lack anything thanks to developments in technology. The problem is only in our relationships through which we cause symptoms like Daesh and allow them to exist. Today, we are not prepared to unite and react correctly to phenomena like these.
Therefore, as stated, general social education is the solution that will help us understand the world that we are facing.
From KabTV’s “A New Life #671 – Where To?,” 1/12/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life #671 – Where To?,” 1/12/16
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