A year went by after the exodus from Egypt. When the children of Israel became free they couldn’t celebrate that event. Now, a year later, they begin to celebrate the anniversary of the exodus (Pesach). Therefore, the Torah gives us specific instructions as to how we should do it. The first celebration of Pesach (Passover) takes place in the Sinai desert, and is celebrated every year for forty years, which means that it repeats in each of the forty levels of ascent. When we ascend the spiritual levels we undergo the phases of the correction of egoism into the attributes of love and bestowal over and over again. Everything repeats itself.
The Torah allegorically tells us that by bringing Passover sacrifices we examine how we can distinguish more and more attributes inside us that we should have apparently left in Egypt, with which attributes we come out of slavery, and which attributes can be purified, etc. What do the 40 years of wandering in the desert mean? It is a repetition of the previous corrections on new levels that created the 40 levels of ascent to the level of the land of Israel, until the generation of the desert disappears, which means until the purification of egoism is completed.
Therefore, the Creator says that no one who belongs to the generation of the desert can enter the land of Israel, but only those who have fully corrected themselves into altruism. All the others who don’t join the attribute of love and bestowal must die. It is actually dead anyway but has not been differentiated from the “salad” of attributes and desires. When we classify and take out what can be corrected into bestowal, we create an altruistic desire that is called the land of Israel, and anything that cannot participate in it is the same Egypt that died because it lacked all the Light.
Egypt used to receive the Light, thanks to the connection to the attributes that can be corrected, as the minimal illumination descended through them. But now the desires that cannot be corrected have become detached and they are already completely dead. Therefore, when we go through the 40 levels of correction we constantly form the land ofIsrael, which is gradually revealed before us.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/04/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/04/15
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