Answer: There are two states in creation: absolute bestowal and absolute receiving. The distance between them is called a ladder and on every step of that ladder there are increasingly greater desires. As one ascends the ladder they take on the form of an increasingly greater intention to bestow. The desire itself is a desire to receive while the ladder determines the intention of in order to bestow. In fact, we have initially been created as individuals who think only about ourselves and who use all our desires in our own interests. Being unable to give anything, we can only receive from others.
But when using the wisdom of Kabbalah, we draw the special energy of bestowal, which begins to operate on our general egoistic desire and correct it layer by layer by adding the attribute of bestowal to the attribute of receiving. When the Upper Light operates and influences the desire to receive, it divides it into 125 levels of correction, forming a ladder called “Jacob’s ladder.” This is how we correct ourselves until we reach complete bestowal, thus changing the form of our entire huge ego into the attribute of receiving in order to bestow.
When we use the two major attributes of creation, the attribute of receiving and the attribute of bestowal, we reach equality with the Creator. At the same time we don’t disappear in Him because, on the one hand, our desire to receive is kept and only acquires an external form of bestowal, but on the other hand, receiving with the intention of in order to bestow makes us similar to the Creator. This means that externally we become like Him and internally we are made of the desire to receive. This is what the whole correction comes down to.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 6/10/15
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 6/10/15
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