Answer: I have never seen that wealth leads to unity. Prosperity does decrease the mutual hatred a little, but very relatively because everyone’s ego still obliges envy of others.
Even if everyone had an income of a million dollars a month, it would not help us love one another. Everyone simply would build a higher fence around his assets.
Nowhere in the world has equality led to unity. Equality is actually a notion that is impossible to reach because an egoistic person always will think that others have received more. Equality is possible only when everyone’s property is taken away, and they are put behind bars and given 400 grams of bread a day. Then, we would feel that we are equal.
All of these ideas are based on not knowing our egoistic nature, and being well off doesn’t guarantee good social relations. You can visit the most exclusive part of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, where the richest people live in order to find out what the mutual relations between them are like.
Question: So, what can unite the people?
Answer: The force of unity exists in nature on all of its levels. In the still, vegetative, animate, and speaking, there are two active forces operating: positive and the negative.
It is only on the human level that there is nothing but minus. Where is our plus? When can we perform any good deeds, not “good” deeds by which we hope to gain something, but deeds that lead to no self-benefit?
There is no such battery with two poles in a person with plus and minus. A person is managed by one negative force. This is the uniqueness of man since the rest of nature, his own body, and the entire world that surrounds him are managed in a balanced way by plus and minus.
We must generate the positive force from nature so that it will balance human nature. Otherwise, it is impossible to do anything. The human ego is the one source of all of the evil in the world. It is not only the wisdom of Kabbalah that claims that, but also ecologists and economists.
So, where can we find the positive good force in order to balance our ego? If we don’t find it, we are doomed because we are advancing toward self-destruction. But there is a method, the wisdom of Kabbalah, that can provide us with the positive force that will balance the evil force. The entire world needs it very much, every government and every nation.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/15, Lesson on the Topic “The Answer to Terrorism — Strengthening the Foundations of the Nation”
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/15, Lesson on the Topic “The Answer to Terrorism — Strengthening the Foundations of the Nation”
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