“The Nazis created a belief that a numerically very small group, the Jews in Europe and in Germany, could ‘infect’ the Aryan race. …
“And the only way to prevent this situation was to annihilate all the Jews. …
“The Vatican and the Protestant churches filled the ranks of the anti-Semitic soldiers. …
“If the Pope had actively denounced the ideas of the superiority of the Aryan race, history would have been completely different. …
“Anti-Semitism as a phenomenon developed over a number of centuries. Kant, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Heidegger said that the Jews were the vampires of society. …
“Europe of the beginning of the 20th century was convinced that all of the Jews were hatching a plot to dominate the economy of the world. …
“The Jews killed Jesus, and the phenomenon of the Inquisition in Spain was based upon this…. ‘Today the anti-Semites call Israel a Nazi nation in which the Jews are playing the role of the Nazis in the Middle East. Anti-Semitism has changed its face, but hasn’t disappeared anywhere.’”
My Comment: Next libel: The Jews directed the Muslims to conquer Europe to divert attention from themselves in Europe. So to the degree of the development of terrorism in Europe, anti-Semitism will continue to grow, and everyone will blame Israel. They will connect Muslim terrorism and the Jews!
In the world there is only one “whipping boy.” Because only from him, his commitment to the implementation of “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” the desire of the world is dependent to the same principle and the world’s attitude towards him. State of the world – a consequence of the state of Israel, especially when he was given for this country and the people.
In the world there is only one “whipping boy”—Israel. Because only from it, its commitment to implement “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), depends the yearning of the world for the same principle and the attitude of the world toward it. The situation in the world is a result of the state of the people of Israel, especially since they were given a nation and a people for this.
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