Answer: We must protest so that we will unite and connect between us in spite of our ego. This is like a puzzle that parents buy for a child and ask him to assemble the 50-100 pieces together.
These efforts develop the child because he must imagine how to connect the separate parts. So also all of us, if we connect ourselves into the right complete puzzle, will then see a picture between us called the “world to come, the upper world.”
Question: Is this world to come the same world that we reach after death?
Answer: The world to come we see during this life. The world to come is characterized as the approaching new one in which we attain a wonderful unity between everyone, “like one person with one heart,” “and you shall love your friend as yourself.” Thanks to this connection, we begin to discover a completely new level between us.
We are changed internally so that we begin to feel that all of us are connected. Thanks to this, humanity is integrated and unified with all the rest of nature: the still, vegetative, and animate are also joined to humanity. And then a person begins to understand and feel the entire world such that he includes it within himself.
That is what each one begins to feel: I, you, he, and everyone. For all of us are integrated into a single force, a single desire, a single thought, and thanks to this, we reach a completely good world. We rise above life and death, above all problems and troubles, here and now in this world, as is written: “You will see your world in your lifetime” (Berachot 17a).
All of this is in our power; so come, let’s take advantage of this opportunity correctly. Let’s think about this; only through our connection and unity will there be salvation for us and for the entire world.
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/20/15
From the Israeli Radio Program 103FM, 9/20/15
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