Now the Amalekite and the Canaanite dwell in the Vale; tomorrow turn ye, and get you into the wilderness by the way to the Red Sea.
Question: The Creator distinguishes Caleb (stemming from the words “like a heart” in Hebrew) and says: “I will bring him into the land whereunto he went and his seed shall possess it.” Does that mean then there is another desire in us to be there other than Moses?
Answer: There is no greater prophet than Moses, but there are many attributes that we discover after him. Moses is the attribute of Bina without which Malchut cannot move one millimeter towards the Creator.
But the attribute of Bina is limited. It provides everything Malchut can demand in order to sanctify itself and to correct the intention so that it will be in order to bestow, but Binaitself feels nothing towards receiving.
Connecting the attributes of Bina and Malchut enables the appearance of new attributes that are stronger than Bina because then Malchut can receive in the intention of in order to bestow. These attributes are much stronger than Moses, but at the same time, are also closer to the Creator and more distant from the Creator.
They are closer to the Creator by being able to receive the revelation from Him. The Creator isn’t revealed to Moses. On the contrary, Moses always keeps away from that because he is the attribute of Bina.
Everyone else, those who conquer the land of Israel, the generation that began to live in it, those who build the Temple, etc., attain the Creator in their previous egoistic desires that were corrected by the attribute of Moses (Bina) and thus ascend towards the Creator.
The difference is that when you work with the ego with the intention of in order to bestow you are like the Creator because you bestow like Him, in practice. The attribute of Bina, on the other hand, isn’t like the Creator in its actions but in the attribute itself.Bina doesn’t do anything but simply has the same attribute as the Creator.
So on the one hand, Moses seems to be so humble, even weak, protecting himself from the revelation of the Creator, and the Creator turns His posterior to him and goes behind him. But this attribute is a typical attribute of the Creator and is the strongest of all the attributes that can be revealed in the created being. When you begin to use it in your work with the ego, it isn’t in a clean way, although it allows you to ascend spiritually.
The attribute of Moses in Malchut created individual figures like Caleb. Moses’ job is to awaken those who can continue the spiritual action. This is his job. Therefore, the attribute of Moses lives in each of us, from the first man who attained the Creator to the last. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to correct ourselves, to work with Malchut, sinceMalchut is Pharaoh. Moses is the attribute of bestowal that was created above Pharaoh, so not one man nor everyone together can attain a private or a general correction unless they use the attribute of Moses that actually exists in opposition to Pharaoh.
Caleb and all the others, on the other hand, are derivatives of Moses in Malchut, and although Moses dies, he exists in everyone who enters the land of Israel because he inserted himself into them. But now he isn’t revealed in his pure form, the way it was during the forty years in the desert but in the attribute to receive in order to bestow. This is the reason that it says that he was dying because this attribute in its pure form disappears.
Everything that happens later happens as a result of what a person, the ego, absorbs from the attribute of Moses that totally dissolves and begins to work.
In other words, we process the attribute of Moses into our ego in everything that happens until the end of correction. In the correct form, all the egoistic attributes buildMalchut of Ein Sof (Infinity) or the general vessel for the revelation of the Creator, which means our perfect state.
Thus when Moses is processed inside us, new names that are created as a result of the symbiosis between Malchut and Bina emerge. Bina is that attribute of Moses andMalchut is the land of Israel that has received the minimal correction from Moses on the level of the still nature. Then there are the levels of the vegetative, the animate, and the speaking, and everything enters the four levels of the correction of the desire.
As a leader, Moses is an amazing man, but he is first of all the attribute of love and that’s the main thing. Then there is everything else, but only love rules: both love for people and love for the Creator. This is the leader, but hy itself, it doesn’t exist.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/29/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/29/15
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