Answer: I don’t even want to talk about that because it is a completely unrealistic world that was created in man’s dark and foggy consciousness under the influence of chemical substances that can lead to different illusions and fantasies. Why should we talk about such states if they are artificial? What problem can we solve with that? What do we achieve that way? It is needless to imagine that by using drugs we enter some different reality. It is an absolute fallacy.
Publicizing drugs in movies or books is very helpful to those who spread them. This is the reason they make such movies and laws that make drugs legal.
We must reach the truth in our real life. After all, nature has its own goal and its own way of attaining it. But if we pass this way consciously or under the influence of blows, whether we see this goal from a distance or go into gridlock, receiving blows and then going to the main road to reach the goal—only this is the problem of our development.
Question: Does this mean that a person worries about nothing but pleasures and sufferings? Can’t he think about anything else?
Answer: Of course. We are absolute animals because the ego manages us. Our nature is a desire to enjoy, and if we believe that we are controlled by positive impulses, we are terribly wrong because these impulses are also part of the desire to receive and enjoy.
Question: What can we do in order to be free of that?
Answer: We must simply learn to manage it correctly, and then all of our problems will disappear.
We will look at the world, at ourselves, and at life rationally. We will understand our nature and how, by using it and controlling our ego correctly, we can bring ourselves to the feeling of an eternal, whole, and unlimited state. We can receive such information about our feelings and about harmony that no drug addict can ever dream of. It is possible.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 8/10/14
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 8/10/14
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