Answer: This is happening because today adults have changed; they have become different. They don’t want to devote much attention to a child. It is easier for them to buy him a computer so that he will sit in his room, and they won’t think at all about what he is involved with there. Besides that, they don’t know how to approach the child, even if they wanted to.
Therefor a lot of work must be done in teaching them the right system of behavior with a child. And the fact that they always complain is because basically they themselves education and the children are confused; suddenly they discover that there is a creature growing in their family that doesn’t understand them. This is not a problem of the family, but of the nation, of the schools.
Question: But in the meantime special courses for parents have not been developed. How can those parents, who have problems with their children, overcome this?
Answer: There is no way if they are not included in some kind of educational and informational system, especially educational. They need to educate themselves. And the nation and the society are to blame for this.
Today we have many possibilities for learning, like television and the Internet. Young parents don’t necessarily have to go to night school or visit special courses in the evening; they can learn at home, on the Internet or on open television channels, ask questions, get answers, participate in discussions and communicate.
Society should oblige them to learn, because otherwise we cannot give the proper upbringing for the next generation, and this is our future. In another 20 years the children of today will become the commanders of orders, the creators, and founders, and what will be with them?
Today, a father and mother do everything that a child demands, closing their eyes to all of his mischief. For a society like this there is no future; we see what has grown from our children: depression, despair, drug addictions, and even violence.
So everything depends on the question: What do we want to have in another 20 years? Now we are laying down the foundations for all the children for their future lives. So how can we be indifferent to this? If we don’t aspire to the right education of the younger generation, creating a new person for a new world, nothing will come of it.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/9/15
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/9/15
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