Today, every parent is reconsidering his attitude toward the child, trying to build another connection with him.
This results in situations that are not entirely understandable when, for example, a young father says to a three year old child, “I don’t like giving direct instructions to a child and requiring discipline. I don’t want him to grow up carrying out what they tell him to do without question. A child knows better what is good for him, so he can decide for himself.”
However, for the most part, the child doesn’t always understand what is good and what is bad for him. What do you think in connection to this? How much are parents like these on the right path?
Answer: If parents want their child to grow up, they need to create an appropriate environment for him, a social environment in which even a three-year-old child will get particular signals from the environment, awakening in him some kind of conscious, purposeful action, and then he will develop the way they want, whereas this way, just in an empty place, in a vacuum, where the father and mother don’t require anything and don’t explain anything, the child himself doesn’t know what is what. So, from where would he get the appropriate guidance?
He necessarily must communicate. In childhood, this is the most important thing. In the first two years of life, he doesn’t feel others at all, only himself, and can cooperate mutually only with the nature of the still, vegetative, and partially with the nature of the animate. After that, an aspiration for mutual cooperation with other children appears, and sometimes with adults. Then, we must think about an environment.
So, the parents should not let it go; “He should think and do things by himself.” What does “by himself” mean? They apparently suspend the child in a vacuum. What the parents first complete for him, now friends, adults and the entire, immense world must complete.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/9/15
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/9/15
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