Question: We have long felt and understood that governments have lost the power to govern and that the world is nearing chaos. The ego has fully erupted and it lacks the necessary restraining force.
Answer: Governments have never run the world, but this is becoming increasingly more evident since the world has become integral and closed. On the other hand, governments, being individualistic, are not a closed integral circle, and so we encounter the contradiction between a circle and a vector. It is impossible to run the world by a vector today. It is impossible to knowingly affect something specific in the world since it is all mutually connected.
Therefore, when you affect something with the intention to do good, this action can lead to a positive effect, but because the system was locked 40 to 60 years ago, you can cause harm to the entire system when you affect a certain part, and then the effect can be very unpleasant. We don’t know where and why this happens. In other words, the government doesn’t know that if it affects a certain place positively, there can be a negative effect in another place, and they will not understand why.
A person needs to be on the level of this system in order to manage it today, to have the upper mind, which means to be a Kabbalist, and not just an ordinary Kabbalist. This means that we don’t speak about the local system but about the global system. If something is wrong in one country, it is reflected not only in that country but all over the world as well because the system has become analog, closed, round, and the entire world is connected.
Our planet is a small village. Today, we cannot affect something specifically and receive accurate concrete outcomes. We cannot study society or the world because everything in these systems is mutually connected, and we know nothing about that. The world is developing continuously in many aspects and is suddenly locked, while we, on the other hand, cannot perceive this locked state with our current attributes, desires, and thoughts in order to incorporate it inside us and study it. We cannot build a model of the integral world inside us. In order to do that, we must ascend to the level of the new world, which means to build a model in which we connect and unite.
Ten or a hundred people can do that. It makes no difference. If they succeeded in uniting into such a general common whole and understand how the integral system is built, they could affect the world in a positive manner. This is actually the kind of unity Baal HaSulam calls for. Then everything we do in this world will have a positive effect.
Question: What does “Judaism must give the nation something new” mean?
Answer: It is all about spiritual definitions and discernments. The method of unity called the wisdom of Kabbalah is also called the wisdom of truth and the Light of the Torah. This means that it is a manual that enables people to ascend to the integral level and to connect. The people who are guided by this method and who try to attain unity are called “Yehudi,” stemming from the Hebrew word, “Yihud” (unity), or the Jews, stemming from the Hebrew word “Ever” (to transcend). This is why Abraham was called Abraham-Ivry, the Hebrew. Israel means following the direction of Yashar El (Straight to God), straight to the upper force, the attribute of love, bestowal, and mutual unity. All this refers to the one and only action of uniting and seeing the world through our unity. Then we all will relate to the world properly and receive the right responses from it.
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 5/18/15
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 5/18/15
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