Answer: Connection is like the focus in a camera. Everything happens through a very small aperture that concentrates all the rays of light. If this focal point doesn’t exist, there is no passage for the light.
The first cameras were composed of a light-sensitive plate and a box with a small hole. That’s all!
The main thing was that all the rays of light were focused through this opening and reached the photographic plate. In fact nothing was necessary besides a very compressed opening.
This is what we need. This is the nature of unity that compresses everything into one; then the entire picture can enter through this tiny opening. The smaller the hole, the sharper and clearer the image is, with higher resolution.
This is apparently the opposite of how it seems to us. It seems that it is necessary to open the widest channel for light. However, this is actually realized through the smallest and most compact opening.
It is worthwhile to think about this example, for in it we see a comparison between a physical phenomenon and a spiritual phenomenon.
Question: What must we navigate through this opening?
Answer: It is not necessary to pass anything. The Light is found at absolute rest. The moment that the opening of unity is created, the Light will immediately enter into it and pass from one world to the other world.
The moment that we succeed in connecting among us in the form of an opening like this, which means that the moment that all of us succeed in compacting into one, we become a channel for the Light. This oneness transforms into a conduit of Light. And if this oneness doesn’t exist, the Light doesn’t pass through.
Question: As simple as it seems, it is difficult to apply this! How do we construct this opening?
Answer: It is a law of nature: If you are able, realize it, if not, then not. It is necessary to learn from nature, from the still, vegetative, and animate, and to realize the same laws, but on the human level, to reach harmony and perfect nature on our level.
You have an example, so realize it on your level. This is difficult, but we offer you help. The Kabbalists of all generations wrote about this; they gave you a guide; they brought you to a group; what is left for you is only to apply it. It is impossible to do more for you because it would no longer be your work but that of the Creator, and then the creature would lose its meaning.
The meaning of all of creation is that an independent human will arise from it. Ever since Tzimtzum Aleph (the first restriction) a decision was made: The guest must achieve bestowal to the host. He must do this alone, and there is no room for compromise here. Through the connection between us we realize this state, this decision that was made.
The difficulty is just that we don’t ask the Creator to help us!
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/3/14
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/3/14
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