Answer: The more we delve into the nature of the system, the more we see that everything depends on everyone else. This is a deep, mutual relationship, consisting of thousands of relationships between us. Of course we do not realize it, but the connection remains; it is constant and can’t be ignored.
I can be separated, hidden on a desert island or in a deep forest, but as my distance from society grows, I condemn myself to a limited, miserable life. For example, if I were in space by myself, I would soon find that all of my senses had atrophied like a cell or a small piece of flesh that was cut off from the body.
The study of a measure of our communication with each other is very important because it puts us in a position that is relative to the true environment. First of all, it concerns human society and how I am supposed to be associated with it.
How can one discover such connections and learn how to feel them? In what form should we give and receive? in principle, that is our goal, and this means that we must study theintegrated system—the means to achieve a happy life.
Comment: When something in us is uncorrected and we feel the reason, then we instinctively begin to care for ourselves.
Answer: We do not have any physiological or mental illnesses, or personal, family, or common global problems. There is only the fault of the system in which we find ourselves. Therefore, we see that politics, economics, finance, and the lives of nations and peoples are mixed and depend on each other.
If I try to dominate someone, then I definitely get the opposite reaction. At one time, Europe wanted to rule Africa and Asia, but now it is at the mercy of its immigrants.
Question: So, if I have something uncorrected, should I look for the cause within myself?
Answer: The interesting thing is that I am not the reason for this! I do not blame myself for the fact that I am who I am or the entire system for the way it is. However, I can help change the system, and then it will affect me. Actually, the method of integral education gives people an understanding of how the world works and how it can be managed.
Question: Suppose that I realize my condition is caused by the general state of the system. What should I do with such an understanding?
Answer: You come into a group of people who want to improve their quality of life as you do. For example, there are ten of us, and we begin to communicate with each other through a variety of exercises and games.
If we will connect properly, then we start to feel the connection over our egoism, personal motives, and habits. Sometimes, this feeling arises in a group of people bound by a common mission or in a family in which personal interests are inferior to the collective.
At that moment when we connect and become as one, this “one” becomes an integral feeling. Through such feelings, we begin to pick up the integral force contained in the world, just as a satellite array absorbs signals from space.
Question: How can such information help me in life?
Answer: Society is a closed system. If small parts are balanced, like the tenth we talked about, it will certainly make all of human society healthier. People will gradually see that with this approach, it will be possible to correct all human shortcomings.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/12/13
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/12/13
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