It could be that if there were more money, happiness would return, and it would be possible to continue to celebrate purchases. However, I noticed something else: boredom.
Answer: The world doesn’t have the content that a person is looking for now. In the past, it was enough for us to see an interesting movie, have fun, and have guests. We lived in a more natural way and thought that this would go on.
However, the situation has changed. On the one hand, manufacturers don’t take into account the change in people. So, in fashion shows, designers invent costumes that are far from reality. This is a unique art through which they want to convey their views about a person’s individuality. Their examples are appropriate only for people who weigh ninety pounds, and are six and a half feet tall.
On the other hand, desires are changing fundamentally and have moved on to a new quality. Instead of money, respect, control, education, and even knowledge, a person now wants to know what he is living for. He apparently stops mid-life and begins to ponder things.
This desire comes from within; it is not because we suddenly become smarter or become philosophical. Nature changes us according to its program and thought, and we are not the masters of this.
We must see this trend, but we don’t have any possibility of changing, stopping, or slowing it down somehow. We must agree that this process will not only continue but also will expand. We will feel it more deeply and it will be difficult for us to resist it.
If we understand this from the start and react consciously, then the communications media and advertising gradually will change in the direction of greater flexibility. Then, they will go along with nature. In the opposite situation, they are like two trains, each going in the opposite direction.
We see that the world is returning to a natural form and contracting to its natural consumption. This is expressed more clearly in the financial sector. Paper money is losing its value. Everything is returning toward natural equality.
In other words, very soon, the level of our consumption will match exactly the amount of gold that we have. Then, it will be very important to understand what the new form of production and consumption will be.
We were educated by advertisements that things supposedly would make us beautiful, respected, and successful. This means that they were selling us pleasure, and what pleasures can be sold now for the new desire? It is pleasure from connection and unity! Clothe them in entertainment or creativity and a person will feel them as the source of his pleasure.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/2/14
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/2/14
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