Answer: I agree with these people. Indeed calling for unity and love seems naive, especially if we look at human history. A mother’s love for a child is more or less understood, but with regard to everything else, we are managed by corporeality and hormones and consider their influence on us as love.
In fact, in our world, love is receiving pleasure. One may love meat, another fish, and a third his or her partner. These are all pleasures.
Therefore, those who don’t believe in love are right to a certain extent. From their point of view we speak about something that is abstract, about a form of love that simply doesn’t exist in our world.
After all, love is when I annul my desire before the desire of another, do what is good for him, and enjoy it. I have no contact with him: He isn’t close to me, but a total stranger.
Where can we find such things? After all, it is against nature. This means that my message is naive and detached from reality.
Question: So what should I do? Abraham didn’t give up. He did a thorough job until he gathered around him people who thought like him. How did he relate to those who claimed that he was naive?
Answer: We are speaking about a unified system. And consequently with those who consider you naive, you work with them as being in an outer circle. For now you collect those who are close to you and who wish to be with you.
In addition, you have the group and you work on its connection so that it will be as close to the Creator in its attributes as possible. In this manner, the Light that Reforms will be revealed among the friends so that thanks to it, they will receive the Creator’s form, meaning that their desires, their vessels, will connect in mutual bestowal.
When the Light illuminates among the friends, it will also pour unto the others. After all, we are connected and even those who think less of you because you are naive are still connected to you. Even if the communication channels between you are inactive as yet, the upper Light will flow in them and even a negative connection that is revealed at the beginning will be a basis for what follows. Then you will suddenly discover that those who oppose you are already willing to converse with you.
Question: Where will I find the power not to give up and to continue to disseminate?
Answer: From the group. The group where everyone hears complaints about his naivety receives powers from me. This is the way the world is arranged, and there is nothing we can do about it. This is our work, our destiny, and we must understand that every penny adds up to a big account.
The Light is here and it is pressuring us. We have to try to draw it.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/04/14, Talk on the Unification of the Nation
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/04/14, Talk on the Unification of the Nation
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