Answer: It should be both ways but more through the heart.
Most people are underdeveloped, which means that their ego blocks their mind. We are all like that. The ego blocks a person’s brain, his mind, and he cannot see more than his ego. It turns out that he is wretched and limited. He may have great, wonderful abilities, but the ego stops him and doesn’t let them be expressed.
If for example you want control, the ego blocks everything else. Although you could prosper, the strong desire for control obliges you to engage only in that. This is an example of how limited we are in our ability to work with our brain. But by working with the heart, we can open the way to the brain. This means that we have to turn to the heart and to work on it, but it is possible only by mutual incorporation with the friends and through them with the public.
People have to penetrate our heart this way, so that we will not be able to abandon our concern for them. Then it means that we have incorporated them in us like the upper level with regard to the lower level.
From the preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/14
From the preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/14
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