Answer: You have to feel that the Creator is working inside you, and that you are the conductor of His work.
Suppose I give a lecture to a certain group of people; when I enter the hall I begin to work, I speak with those in charge, and I constantly feel the Creator working through me. I want Him to work through me since after all He does everything and I simply convey the connection between Him and the audience like a pipe through which the Upper Lightflows.
I want the Light to influence them so they will understand the inner meaning of my words, which I actually don’t understand, but will understand them now together with my audience since the Creator influences them through me.
I want to become one united whole together with them where I play the part of the source of Light and they are the consumers, but the Light exists in all of us. It straightens, equalizes,and unites us, and repairs all the consequences of the shattered vessel. All the people who were separate parts are now getting used to connecting to one another and they forget that not too long ago they were separated from one another. Everything comes together.
I want to feel and sense all of this so that the Creator will unite and fill us according to ourunity. I constantly work in this direction, and it has to become my constant feeling every minute of my life!
I enter a supermarket, buy products, go to the bank, perform different actions there, spend time at work, come home, and I want the Creator to operate through me, no matter where I am. In all my interactions, even with the still, vegetative, and animate parts of nature, with everything that surrounds me, I want the Creator to bestow upon the world around me, through me. Then I am called Israel, the connector of the Creator to the world. This is our mission!
From the Talk about Group and Dissemination 10/21/13
From the Talk about Group and Dissemination 10/21/13
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