We know that these values are totally unjustified, since otherwise they would stem from our ego. But the spiritual foundation is above the ego, like theSefira of Yesod that is above the Sefira of Malchut. So everything depends on the foundation we choose: is it just dust that is totally inanimate or dust from the ground(Adamah) that already resembles (Domeh) the upper, as a man (Adam), similar to the Creator?
It all depends on our priorities and on what we consider to be important. We begin to play with the importance of the Creator, the teacher, the group, the study, and the goal and it becomes a most important and serious game in the group. It is because in our ego, in our desire, we only see darkness. The ego constantly grows, thus increasing the darkness. But if on top of this darkness we develop the greatness of our common goal, everyone in the group receives fuel and energy to advance through the darkness.
This means that instead of advancing by the stick that pushes us from behind, we choose by ourselves to be drawn forward to the greatness of the upper, to the greatness of the attribute of bestowal, mutual help, connection, love, and all the supreme values that are specific to the Creator’s nature.
It is for this purpose that the Kabbalistic group is based, and as such it must keep itself by constantly its goal, its basis, more and more accurately. The members of the Kabbalistic group are heroes in quality not in quantity. Only people who can really advance this way should join it. Therein lies our strength, because we want to achieve the greatest possible similarity to the Light, to grow in height and not in width.
And this is why we gather here—to establish a society where each of us follows the spirit of bestowing upon the Creator. And to achieve bestowal upon the Creator, we must begin with bestowal upon man, which is called “love of others.” (From “The Purpose of the Society,” Rabash)
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/09/12, Writings of Rabash
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/09/12, Writings of Rabash
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