Question: The formation of moral principles is greatly influenced by religion, spiritual teachings, culture, education, and personal beliefs. By adhering to moral standards, a person does not let himself sink to the status of a wild animal and keeps his instincts within the frameworks settled in this society.
Do you agree with this statement or will all these moral norms not work in extreme situations?
Answer: It depends on which standards, who fulfills them, and from whom they are required. But in principle, a person always acts according to the norms he has absorbed into himself that will guide his behavior.
Question: But if some kind of extreme situation happens, for example, a crisis, then isn’t it clear that a person will behave in a completely different way.
Answer: No. These norms will still guide him. Nothing will change in him.
If I really love someone, then my love values this person’s life more than my own. And that is why I treasure his life more than mine. This is all a strict calculation, there is no poetry here.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/9/20
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