Question: There are several forms of receiving information. If a person listens to a teacher at a university in order to gain knowledge, this is one thing. If he listens to a friend talking about a dramatic situation in the family and empathizes with him, this is different. And third, a person listens to his like-minded friend in the group in order to unite with him and reveal the plan of nature.
Is there any difference between these situations?
Answer: The difference is huge. Especially when friends are trying to achieve the highest goal of nature because it unites them. Everyone works against themselves to connect with others.
There is already a clear classic communication, above your egoism, when you must necessarily rise above yourself in order to connect with another and with him feel how you penetrate into a third thing—into the very structure of the universe.
Question: What does “see” and “hear” mean in spirituality? Is this a special level of communication?
Answer: Hearing is a work of bestowal. Seeing is the transition from bestowal to reception for the sake of bestowal.
Remark: Even the primary sources say: “And they heard the voice of the Lord.”
Answer: Yes. There are those who hear, i.e., work in the light of Hassadim. And there are people who actually see, they work in the light of Hochma.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/14/20
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