Answer: A person has to work because he must be busy. He can’t study Kabbalah all day or sit on a bench all day, nibble sunflower seeds, and talk about politics. He does not need that at all.
He should study preferably three hours in the morning before work and two hours in the evening after work. If he has free time, then more. The rest of the time: work, sleep, and eat. What else does he need in life? It should be very simple and natural.
Regarding sleep, he needs to rest for 5 to 7 hours. There are people who require seven hours of sleep, there are people for whom five is enough.
Remark: There is also sports, music, and theater.
My Comment: If a person studies Kabbalah, then it unites into one music, theater, and sport.
Question: Does this mean that there aren’t other needs?
Answer: No.
Question: So, ideally, the sensation of the Creator should fill all these niches?
Answer: Everything comes from Him, only it comes to us in different guises.
Remark: In principle, people lived once normally and without sports…
My Comment: But exercise, perhaps, is needed. Music, literature, and everything else is also needed, but it has to be within the boundaries of the correction of the human soul.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/3/19
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/3/19
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