Answer: Harmony is a balance between forces of reception and bestowal that mutually balance each other, emphasize, expand, increase, and at the same time lead to stabilization.
Question: Then why was it necessary to create a contradiction? Was it not possible to immediately create harmony and stability?
Answer: No. Then we would not feel them. We would be like insects that exist in relative harmony. We see that existence, especially in our world, consists precisely of the struggle between the two principles. Therefore, there is no harmony here, but only an alternating, fluctuating struggle that leads to a state of either greater or lesser balance between the two opposite forces.
Only the wisdom of Kabbalah explains how it is possible to reach such a balance where both forces will mutually complement each other.
In the corporeal world, these forces mutually exclude one another, try to destroy and annul each other. “Kabbalah,” which is translated from Hebrew as “the wisdom of reception,” explains how to correctly build a mutual combination of two opposites so that spiritual existence would be possible between them.
Earthy life is founded on simple principles: on the relative equilibrium of inanimate, vegetative, and animate entities that exist for a certain time and then die. That is, the corporeal balance does not withstand the test of time.
Spirituality, on the contrary, develops constantly until it reaches absolute balance in all its manifestations, which is called Gmar Tikun (the end of correction).
Question: Does it mean that the concept of happiness can exist only if there are contradictions?
Answer: Happiness is only possible when there is a struggle and it is felt precisely during those moments when this struggle comes to balance. There can be no satisfaction, happiness, or pleasure if you do not feel emptiness beforehand. Therefore, there must be a struggle in order to feel its positive result. This is this way in everything.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/16/18
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/16/18
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