If he perceives ascents as descents and descents as ascents, then everything turns into one reality where the Creator rules over all the states.1
Our realization that egoism lets us reach adhesion with the Creator kills our egoistic intent and turns it into bestowal. These qualities did exactly what they were supposed to do. This is what is called “killing the Egyptian.” That is, to have the right attitude to everything, understanding that there is no evil in the king’s palace, and that everything is for the sake of bestowal.2
A person is allowed to enter the king’s palace only if his only concern is for the benefit of the king, no matter what. Only if he remains in fear, if he is able to execute this, then he is allowed to enter. The greater the fear, the higher is his height of entry.
In order to attain such a fear, one must be connected with the group and with the Creator so that they will provide him with the strength not to offend the dignity of the king, to remain under the influence of the single force of good that does good, and to think only of bestowing to it. The desire to receive is not going anywhere and we must constantly rise above it, and we cannot do it without fear. Fear guards us against the egoistic attitude because I ask to be protected from it, to rise above it, and then I am allowed to enter.3
“The Egyptian” is inside the sons of Israel; the descent is included in the ascent. Therefore, we do not jump from the state of the Egyptian to another Egyptian, but only from Israel to Israel, and the Egyptian is included inside of it, which means the Egyptian disappears. Descents are included in the ascents: previous descents are already a part of the new ascent.
“Killing an Egyptian” means eradicating one’s attitude toward descents. We begin to see the descents as inseparable parts of ascents.4
Each moment the Creator renews the act of Creation, making a new person out of me. What does He want from me now if He made me this way? This is the question I must delve into.
I look for what originates from Him, for “He is the first,” and what I must do now seemingly by myself, hoping that the Creator will help me if I address Him with a prayer through the group. And then I arrive at “and He is the last,” meaning that the Creator will be revealed inside of me now that I am corrected by means of the group and the Light that reforms.5
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/18, Writings of Rabash, “Why the Festival of Matzot is called Passover”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/18, Writings of Rabash, “Why the Festival of Matzot is called Passover”
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