Rabash, “What Does the Rule, “Love Thy Friend as Thyself,” Give Us?”: …one cannot keep all 612 Mitzvot alone.
I would say that a person alone cannot observe a single commandment. Being alone, he is incapable of generating the property of bestowal. After all, he has no connection with the Creator. Only with people like himself, therefore we need physical interaction with friends.
Remark: We are in a new time frame, a virtual one. This was not the case with Rabash.
My Comment: It is even better. If people really strive for each other, their physical disunity pushes them further toward inner rapprochement.
Question: Why is it arranged so that a person cannot keep the commandments alone?
Answer: Speaking from a systemic point of view, the common soul called Adam broke into many parts. When the parts separated by egoistic distance (egoistic forces) try to get together above egoistic forces, they begin to attain the property of connection, up to the property of love. There is no other way.
Adam is a desire that does not exist by itself. Only after this system (the desire) broke apart can one say that within it two opposite properties are being created: the egoistic one that pushes all the parts away from each other, and the altruistic one that suddenly begins to appear among them.
Initially, when all parts of the system were assembled together, they possessed the property of commonness supported in them by the upper Light, the Creator. Therefore, after they disintegrated, in each of them remained a point of commonness, and it turned out that they all consist of two opposite properties.
Now, if some part raises the property of connection above the property of separation, to that extent it becomes closer to others, until it is integrated in the same system, in the same image.
Question: Therefore, the system is especially created so that a person cannot observe 612 commandments alone. What is the benefit in this?
Answer: The benefit is that a person feels the need for the Creator and his friends. After he is disappointed with his animal state and wants to rise to the level of Adam, he can succeed in it only if he really engages in his connection with others and draws the Creator to it.
Question: Does a person need to understand each commandment?
Answer: This is not only unnecessary, but also impossible. One is unable to do so. Everything happens automatically.
A person should not poke around in his soul, there is no need to do it. It will manifest itself only when it really takes a definite form.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 3/15/18
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 3/15/18
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