Question: What does it mean that opposite things are unified? Can you give an example from nature?
Answer: Einstein gave examples of dimensions emerging above time and space. For example, a grandfather and his distant descendant meet hundreds of years later. They both exist simultaneously, but with respect to our attainment it is experienced as past, present, and future.
Question: Does this mean that dinosaurs might be wandering around us and we just don’t see them?
Answer: Dinosaurs are not wandering somewhere; they are wandering within you (in the same way as before, by the way). There is nothing outside of us. We project everything that we perceive so that it seems outside of us and call it “our world.” We feel it only within ourselves. We do not perceive what is outside of us. It is as if some electrodes are connected to us and we imagine that we are somewhere talking with each other and seeing others as if on a screen.
The question thus arises: does this all just seem to exist or does it really exist? We cannot say, because we do not feel anything outside ourselves. Therefore, a person cannot claim objectively that something exists—he always perceives subjectively.
Everything that we reveal and study is purely subjective, including Kabbalah. We never attain the absolute picture. It will be revealed only after the general correction, when all of us unite and our small private sensors (Reshimot) will be united into one common sensor, our small private desires into one common desire that will result in absolute perception, eternal white Light. Then we will be able to talk about what really exists. This state is called Gmar Tikkun—Final Correction.
This is all in relation to us; there are no problems regarding the Creator since His properties include everything. We will be able to achieve this same state when our desire becomes fully integrated, including all the opposites in itself. This is considered loving your neighbor as yourself.
In other words, when I accept everything that exists in another person—all his unpleasant properties, states, thoughts—as my own, as the most precious, with love, then I will include the desires of all the people in the world and will be able to be objective, as all the opposites inside me will be united.
Question: Is it possible to say that both love and hatred will exist in me at the same time?
Answer: Of course. One will not annihilate the other because they will only support each other, so that between them I can feel the acuity of attainment. This is how it works.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/8/18
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/8/18
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