Answer: There are no accidents. There is a clear system of governance of our world, down to its smallest particles. This system is called “the upper world.”
It governs humanity in order to eventually elevate each person in his desires to the upper level. This is the program of development of each of us individually and all of us together.
According to this program, there are an immense number of commands that descend on us all at every moment. We receive and perform some of them instinctively, and some semi-consciously or consciously. Many of them we miss, are unable to perform, but nevertheless they pass through us in a certain way, forming and developing us.
Someone dies in sufferings, and someone wins millions or just lives his whole life without seeing or feeling anything bad in it. Why is it so?
The fact is that we do not understand the work of the upper “computer.” The wisdom of Kabbalah explains it; however, really comprehending and grasping this program is possible only by ascending to the system of governance.
After all, even an action by our own computer programs cannot be explained straight away. What can we say about the comprehensive program that gradually assembles us into one whole and reveals this thus-far-invisible thing, called “soul”…
We need to study the upper system of governance very seriously. It astounds with its uniqueness, its logic, its absolute interconnection and harmony. Getting acquainted with it, a person feels great pleasure because it fills him with greatness and perfection.
Then the very concept of “luck” also changes. For Kabbalists, “luck” is that they discover the future world, their future states, and bring their approach closer. The wisdom of Kabbalah is needed exactly for this. It says that there is no afterlife, that everyone should receive and master his future world now, in this life.
We live in the lowest, “dullest” of the worlds—until we reveal in it the upper world of love and bestowal. One cannot get there based on luck. There are no favors, lotteries, or accidents. Each person should search, make efforts—and his reward will not be dollars, but the degrees of an exciting spiritual ascent.
Regarding this ascent, everyone is equal and no one has advantages. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, everyone has the facts.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/16/18
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/16/18
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