Answer: Even if a student disagrees with the group, he needs to understand that his disagreement must pass through the Creator.
Why should he fight the group? He must struggle with the Creator, the disturbances that come from Him!
Everything comes from the Creator! I have to settle all this with Him. Why does He give me such obstacles? For me to find contact with Him. I need to settle it with Him, not with the group!
The Creator awakens various negative qualities in a person, which he takes in the left line, and good qualities—in the right line. Therefore, he relates to the group realizing that both lines in him are the Creator in the opposite and in the direct form. And he should bring them to the group, lock them on it, to give the group their correct attitude.
We also do the same: There are two lines, and the third is formed when you already are in contact with the group and with the Creator inside it.
People must constantly control themselves in order not to forget that all their thoughts and feelings come from the Creator who gives them the original parameters, and demands from everyone that with these thoughts and feelings we correctly treat the ten. Then we will reveal the Creator in it.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 10/30/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 10/30/17
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