Answer: Nothing can be done about that. There is nothing that can replace a proper upbringing. We could build a thousand more prisons, but it won’t help. The only effective thing is upbringing, and no one is doing that. It is a universal problem.
Question: What has to happen for the necessity for proper upbringing to pierce the heart like a splinter, forcing people to start doing something about it?
Answer: Only the realization that without the proper upbringing, a person only brings evil upon himself and others. It has to be realized to such an extent, taking into account how much suffering, money and everything else it costs us, that we would be ready to get re-educated.
The first requirement for correct education is the study of human nature. We have to familiarize people with it through mass media, in schools, everywhere.
Question: How can we overcome a mountain of misunderstandings?
Answer: This is the wall that stands in humanity’s way. But there is no way around it.
Question: Can the Creator suddenly change a person’s thinking?
Answer: He cannot. He has no right to! The entire creation would be meaningless. There is a method of correction inside you—act on it. If you do not search for it yourself, seriously realize it within yourself, and adjust yourself and society, you will not achieve the next educational level.
A person has to understand that if he does not change, neither he nor the world will have a good future, and life will be full of suffering for his children and everyone else.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/13/18
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/13/18
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