“The powerful, pro-government Constituent Assembly approved the measure Wednesday.
“Assembly leader Delcy Rodriguez said it represented ‘a constructive law for peaceful coexistence’ and an antidote to ‘the intolerances, the hatreds that the Venezuelan right has unleashed.’
“President Nicolas Maduro had proposed the measure during anti-government street protests that rocked the capital, and other Venezuelan cities, from April through July. More than 120 people died in the almost-daily clashes sparked by the country’s deepening economic and political crisis. Activists often used social media to organize demonstrations.”
Question: Do you think these laws stop people?
Answer: In part, yes. After all, a person is afraid of punishment. We see how people attempt to avoid it, try to create zones free from these punishments where it is possible to promote their ideas.
Nevertheless, it somehow works, but to a certain limit. After all, you cannot restrain a person with fear alone. We have known this for a long time now. Our development over the course of thousands of years presents us with a very clear outcome.
Therefore, I don’t think that it will help much. Eventually, we will find the same Venezuela in some sort of miasma, some other perversions, which are superimposed on the past along with these prohibitions and punishments. There is nothing good in it.
Question: Do you think that humanity will eventually understand what the underlying basis of hate is? Will it start dealing with that basis?
Answer: That is impossible to do because egoism lies at the basis of our nature. So only if we begin to correct it. However, humanity does not know how to correct it. Only Kabbalists know this.
Therefore, Kabbalists have no other choice but to appeal to humanity, saying: “What an opportunity we have! Let’s correct our nature!”
Yet, humanity does not want to listen. Never mind humanity, the Jewish peoplethemselves do not want to hear it, and they are actually the ones who need to correct themselves first and to set an example for the entire world.
Question: Will Venezuela see it then?
Answer: Then everyone will see. If only the Jews would want it, if they would be able to hear and know about it…
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/9/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/9/17
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