Apart from this, it is also necessary that people understand that unification is only possible through studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Reforming Light that is attracted by this study. That is, the problem is to convince them to accept both the goal and the means.
The goal is that “All Israel are friends,” in other words, the complete unification of the people within which the Creator will be revealed. Not only is it necessary to achieve love between us, but also through the wisdom of Kabbalah, and this is even more repelling. However, we need to understand that our unity is an absolute necessity if we want to avoid extermination.
Remark: When the situation becomes threatening, then the people of Israel will rise as one man and unite.
My Comment: Then it will be too late! Why didn’t the Jews escape this way during Hitler’s time? Today the fire can flare up instantly, as if on dry chips. Back then Hitler’s plans were implemented over several years. Laws against the Jews began to emerge about ten years before concentration camps appeared.
The situation was getting worse gradually, but no one rose to protest. The world turns a deaf ear and heart to what is happening to the Jews. This deafness comes from nature, from the side of the Creator in order to oblige the Jews to fulfill their mission. The Creator does not consider animate bodies and egoistic desires; the most important thing for Him is the desire to bestow that is called a soul.
However, we can avoid blows through awareness and understanding in order not to receive them physically. It is written that “Everything will be clarified in the thought.” If we are aware of our mission, then this is enough and we will no longer need suffering. A clever child understands everything through one glance of a parent and there is no need to shout at him and, all the more, to beat him.
Therefore, it is worthwhile even now to think where the blows come to us from and their cause. Who controls this world and sends us these sufferings? If the people want to sort out this question and listen to the opinion of the Kabbalists who wrote about this at all times, then they have an opportunity to reveal the truth.
We all witnessed the conflict that erupted around the metal detectors installed by Israeli security services on the Temple Mount, which eventually had to be removed. However, in fact, they were not at all important to Arabs, for them this was just a reason to protest.
Look how they united around this trifling reason and inflated a big flame from it. However, we have nothing to say, after all, we passed them the reigns of control of the entire universe. We give the Arabs the right to control the world by our disunity.
If we continue in this way, it will become worse. The UN, UNESCO, and various commissions will start issuing anti-Israeli decrees one after another. First, they will tell us to leave the Temple Mount, then Jerusalem, and then the land of Israel. We will have nowhere to go, nobody will accept us, just like it once was in Germany. After all, we have not learned from the past mistakes.
The entire universe is one spiritual system and the people of Israel can only affect its head. It is not without reason that Israel is called “My head” (Li-Rosh). If we start to perceive current affairs correctly and influence them wherever we can, then we will be able to change reality.
This is the only way to correct the situation. We rely on our missiles, weapons, and strong army, but this will not help. It may happen that with all our military power, arsenal of rockets, and atomic bombs, we will not be allowed to take a single shot from the smallest pistol. Therefore, we must explain to the people that we do not have any other way to save ourselves from this dangerous situation, except for unity.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/28/17, Lesson on the Topic: “On the Merit of the Study of Kabbalah, Israel Will Come Out of Exile”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/28/17, Lesson on the Topic: “On the Merit of the Study of Kabbalah, Israel Will Come Out of Exile”
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