Wars come and go, there is no end to them. Just as one war ends, preparation for the next war begins.
We need to understand how we can achieve true peace, such a peace where all nations will not feel hatred and rejection toward us and will begin to accept the nation that was established by our hands, as a nation, will stop thinking that we have no right to exist as a people, like every person, as Jews and as a nation.
Why does everyone think that we should disappear from the face of the Earth? We must understand the reason for this, for those who gave their lives for the sake of the existence of the people and the establishment of the nation. And then we will understand that we are not carrying out our special role on Earth, that we are a special people.
We must be the people of Israel. And the people of Israel are a people that were created on the basis of mutual responsibility, mutual connection, friendship, love, and unity, “as one person with one heart.”
If we become a people like this, we will succeed in establishing a different nation, not like the Western nations. It will be based on spiritual foundations. And then, as a people and as a nation, we can also provide an example to all other peoples and nations who are earnestly seeking ways to a better future but cannot find it without us.
We must be a “light unto the nations” (Isaiah 48:6), an example for them. I very much hope that we understand and implement this. And then the aversion and hatred toward us, the accusation that we exist only to cause harm to all the nations of the world, will naturally disappear.
Let us think about this and carry out our mission together for the sake of those who gave their lives so that we could exist today.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 4/19/17
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 4/19/17
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