Answer: A child just discovers his nature. The shattering is in our basis, the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, as a result of which the lie has completely penetrated into our nature and reigns deeply within us. This is why we are unable to recognize a lie. On the contrary, we regard the truth as a lie and the lie as truth.
Truth and lie are so intertwined with each other that we do not even realize how deceitful we are. How can I measure what percentage of what I said is true? Relative to what can I evaluate this?
Question: According to statistics, a three to four-year-old child lies every two hours, a six-year-old already lies once in an hour and a half, and an adult at least three times every ten minutes. Does it mean that as we get older we become bigger liars?
Answer: Of course, we constantly lie and never say a drop of truth. The only question is whether the lie is conscious lie or not? But it is a lie—100%.
Question: Does the property of deception arise in us under the influence of society or from nature?
Answer: Deception lies in our nature and the environment just helps us use this property and grow it. All our relationships in society have a purpose to multiply lies and to succeed through it.
We educate children with stories that are complete lies from the beginning to end, all kinds of fairy tales about animals, cars, and trains that talk with each other, etc. This does not happen in life! This is an absolutely wrong education. All these deceitful pictures are imprinted in the child and when he grows up he as if expects them to be manifested in life.
It is not enough that we are naturally prone to lies and fantasies, we also educate children so that they become accustomed to lying. Eventually, they get used to living in the world of lies. These are not fantasies that just expand the truth a little; they are completely false.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/16/17
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/16/17
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