A child begins to lie from the early childhood, even without understanding what he is doing. We are touched when a child with his face smeared with chocolate confidently answers, “It wasn’t me!” to the question, “Who ate the candy?” So, what is the meaning of a lie and how does it develop a person?
Answer: Lies lie in the foundation of creation as the opposite of truth. Truth and lie are of equal importance because they cannot exist without each other. We must evaluate one relative to the other; otherwise, we will feel nothing. There is no evil without good; there is no good without misfortune; there is no darkness without light and so on.
Therefore, there is always a lie inside the truth and vice versa. If we delve deeper inside the basics of creation, then there is the Light, which is truth. After all, the Light is the only thing that exists; there are only bestowal and the common connection of all the parts of creation. A lie, the darkness comes every time wishing to separate, disunite and even break the entire creation.
This is precisely what happened during the sin of the Tree of Knowledge. It is written that a lie can only exist if it grows out of some kind of truth. Therefore, Adam and Eve (Havah) tried the apple first, because they were sure that it was possible to eat it and enjoy it for the sake of bestowal and there can be no prohibition. This indeed was the truth.
However, when they continued to eat, they already could not avoid the temptation and found themselves in a lie. That is, the lie grows out of the truth, and we are a result of the lie, of that tremendous shattering that happened to our souls in their very basis.
Therefore, if we want to come to truth, we must go through lies, tearing through it as if through a dark, dense forest, and then possibly we will gradually reach the truth.
It is “possible” because it is really extremely difficult to do. Besides, this opportunity depends on our development, which is provided by the wisdom of Kabbalah through the Light that returns to the source. After all, otherwise we do not see at all where the truth is and where the lie is, exactly like the child who assures that he did not eat the candy despite obvious evidence. We do not understand and do not realize our lie, because the lie is our primordial quality.
Therefore, we must forgive lies, treat each other with understanding, and we should learn to rise above all these lies, perceiving them as cute children’s mischief. After all, this is our nature.
The world cannot exist without lie, and it is only in the presence of lies that truth can exist. It is good if they exist in equal amounts, because so far we live in the world of complete deception. And those bits of truth that exist in it are meant only to make a lie look like truth.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/16/17
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/16/17
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