This is not a correct translation of the Torah. Which means, that the hidden is from Creator and the revealed, up to the third or fourth degree, is by us.
Because if we reveal it by ourselves, then it happens toward the whole system of the ten Sefirot or until the third or fourth degree, which is toward the Kelim (vessels) of bestowal—Galgalta ve Eynaim, or even AHP.
That which is revealed by the creator is revealed to us in our efforts. On the other hand, we experience failure. If you do not work correctly, you leave a similar trail behind you to the third and fourth degree. It is stated clearly: “The guilt of the fathers falls on their children to the third, fourth generation.”
Question: It turns out that my next spiritual degree is compromised?
Answer: Your next degree depends on you. However, if it is compromised, it extends all the way through and you must rebuild it anew. It is impossible for only a part of it to be damaged. As it says: “There is no division in spirituality.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/11/17
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/11/17
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