The wisdom of Kabbalah is a great knowledge about the system of governance, the upper force, and how we can be included in this governance, how we can influence it, and how it can influence us. That is, a person rises to the level of the Creator. It is written: “Rise up to me.”
I think that humanity will not go through terrible sufferings in order to recognize this wonderful opportunity and will begin to climb this ladder.
Question: When Baal HaSulam speaks about “the secrets of Torah that the human eye cannot see,” does he mean the Light that Reforms that “will make every person believe in its truthfulness” by gradually awakening a person to this? That is, one way or another, is this a passage to the point in the heart?
Answer: Yes. Only through gradual sensations.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/10/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/10/17
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