Question: Why should Baal HaSulam, the great Kabbalist who wrote The Study of The Ten Sefirot and “The Preface to The Book of Zohar” deal with earthly problems? What’s the point?
Answer: This is not an earthly problem! There is a desire created by nature, the Creator. It must pass through certain stages of development. Now we are at a critical point that turns all our development from egoistic to altruistic. And this is what Baal HaSulam writes as an absolute practitioner.
Kabbalah is a practical science because it is realized in people who live in our time or lived in other generations.
Kabbalah is intended only for people who exist in our world, not for certain souls who after death revolve in some vast spaces on higher spiritual levels. All the higher spiritual levels exist in people. Therefore, Baal HaSulam writes for people. And the Kabbalist does not have a greater aspiration than to come to people and teach them to properly realize themselves in accordance with the laws of nature.
Question: Do you mean the people with a burning desire to discover the meaning of life?
Answer: Naturally. And the rest will simply not hear our plea. Their egoism is still at the animate level; they care only about their corporeal existence. This is neither bad and nor good. So there is no need to address them. They need to be given their minimal requirements, and they will be very happy to receive their universal income, computer, Internet, TV, and couch. They will have a free rations delivered to their home and even what they order themselves: pizza, cola, or a computer, everything. And they do not need anything else. Can you imagine such happiness?
Question: Isn’t that an illusion of happiness?
Answer: But everything they want is on the Internet from the sciences of our world to a striptease, a television series, and football.
So do not go to them. We need to wait until this stage of development is over because a person can be treated only in accordance to what he wants. After all, a person is a desire to enjoy.
But there are people who cannot stop at this. They have a “virus” inside them that does not let them be happy from being filled with material goods.
They need to reveal the ultimate power that governs them, the highest principle, the program of human development, and its purpose: For what do I exist? What is happening in my life? Why is it so? They are interested in connection with the governing force. It is to such people that you can appeal.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/15/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/15/17
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