First, the problem of a person’s relationship with the family, society, and people is very strong. If you do not pay attention to it, then you will be forced into it. We see how individualistic and nationalist movements suddenly begin in the so-called united Europe.
Second, with the help of Kabbalah, man reveals an eternal and perfect system that governs everything. He enters this system as if he enters a pilot’s cockpit where he starts to control and see where and why he is flying. And this flight is eternal.
On the other hand, a person cannot get out of this plane. That is why it is so important that he can fly it and understand where to go.
Question: What is the connection between the soul’s immortality, reward in the future world, and “glory of the individual, the glory of the nation”?
Answer: All this attracts a person.
That is, I put myself at the head of my development and the world depends on me. At the same time, I look like a savior and a leader inside my nation and mankind.
“I lead people to a brighter future.” This is how a person who practices Kabbalah feels because each of us performs that individual function that no one else can perform.
This state is connected to the immortality of people, the immortality of the soul, and the immortality of our existence. There is no death; there is only death of the animal body, which we need in order to reach the next level. We are given a certain timeframe to reach this level and to continue to exist in it.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/10/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/10/17
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