Answer: Under no circumstances does the Creator create evil. By revealing Himself to us gradually, He shows us how opposite we are to Him. And this is experienced by us as pain, evil, and suffering.
But, if we are developing correctly, under correct guidance, upbringing, and influence, then we experience His gradual revelation as an incentive to gain greater attainment of Him, not as evil coming from Him.
By revealing Himself, the Creator demonstrates to us the evil in our nature because it is opposite to Him. And by doing that, He pushes us toward the correction of our nature, toward greater likeness to Him. And when our nature becomes similar to the Creator, we discover absolute goodness, pleasure, and fulfillment.
Question: In other words, the evil that is seemingly coming from Him is actually the evil in me. And He is constant in this influence?
Answer: The Creator is constant in His influence, but does so in the following manner: He reveals Himself to a person in the smallest micro-doses. This is experienced as discomfort or pain by the person, but at the same time, there is also the possibility to begin to work gradually toward correcting himself to resemble the Creator.
When the person achieves equivalence of form to Him, even to that smallest degree to which the Creator came near to him, then the person discovers that the Creator is kind and is the only influence on him. After doing this work within himself, discovering a little of the Creator, drawing a little closer to Him, the Creator reveals Himself further. Once again, the person feels a negative sensation from the oppositeness of his qualities to the Creator, and again, he must correct himself in order to achieve similarity of form to reveal the Creator.
Question: When a person actually feels as if evil is coming from the Creator, what should he do first?
Answer: He must participate in the regular work of the group. There, everything will be explained to him. He will be supported and guided. Most importantly: find a group.
Individual advice will not help because each person exists under a specific type of influence from the Creator, and most importantly, these influences need to be addressed collectively.
Question: So you think that this is the action of the Creator, to push him to move toward others?
Answer: Necessarily. It is written so, and that is the way he must act, whether he wants to or not. A person may not understand this, but this the only way in which this is realized.
From KabTV’s “News With Michael Laitman,” 8/10/17
From KabTV’s “News With Michael Laitman,” 8/10/17
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