The last generation is a concept that is extensive with respect to time, development, and the process of internalizing the spiritual laws. It is a gradual, consistent liberation of society from all egoistic connections. This concept includes family, relationships between spouses and between parents and children, the education of the next generation, and so on.
It is not so simple to implement. Taking into account that all of humanity is very heterogeneous and needs to be brought to a state of unity, equality, and being a global circle, this is a big and complex job.
Question: When a person is removed from the society of the last generation, in what way does he harm society?
Answer: These are specific individuals who are not able to accept the methodology of the correction of their nature with the ordinary methods provided by the leaders of the last generation. These individuals are removed from the general masses and are dealt with separately. But no one, under no circumstances, judges them negatively.
Everything comes from the structure of the spiritual form in which there are four egoistic levels: zero, one, two, and three. Each requires a specific method of correction. That is why different methods are implemented with each of them.
Besides those, there are also people who are outside the parameters of these levels of egoism—they are the so-called Lev HaEven (the stony heart). They cannot be affected by any method of correction and ultimately fall outside of the general population. They must be dealt with separately and be influenced in special ways.
Question: What is freedom of individuality? How is it expressed?
Answer: We have no right to force any methodology of correction on a person; we can only do whatever is possible so that the individual would want to implement it himself, come to accept it himself, and master it himself.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 6/19/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 6/19/17
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