“Dr Levine, an epidemiologist, told the BBC that if the trend continued humans would become extinct. …
“‘If we will not change the ways that we are living and the environment and the chemicals that we are exposed to, I am very worried about what will happen in the future,’ he said.
“‘Eventually we may have a problem, and with reproduction in general, and it may be the extinction of the human species.'”
Answer: In the 18th century there were about a billion people on the whole Earth. Two centuries have passed and we have become 8 billion. For what? Instead of 8 billion we can become one billion again or even less.
Question: Do you believe that this is how nature regulates the number of people?
Answer: Everything depends only on us, on our state. We are the ones who are killing ourselves and, of course, killing life, killing sperm.
Comment: They say that the reason for that are the chemicals and fertilizers we use, obesity, smoking…
Answer: No, these are already the outcomes. Everything happens as a result of our killing ourselves. It is as if we don’t want to live, don’t want to exist; we agree with the negative force in us, with our negative nature, and allow it to drive us to extinction.
Question: Could there suddenly be a change?
Answer: No, “suddenly” can’t happen. This can happen only if we recognize our evilnature and realize where we can find the positive force to correct it.
Question: Do you believe that everything that happens, including the decline in the number of sperm cells, is happening for one goal?
Answer: It is only in order to bring us to the recognition of our evil nature, of our egoism, and to oblige us to draw the positive force of nature, which exists and is waiting for us to use it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/27/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/27/17
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